Jones Soda Berry Lemonade Syrup Concentrate (not finished product) with cane sugar. 2L jug. Some may think we simply took berries and added them to lemonade to make our Berry Lemonade. But we’re JONES SODA, so we flipped the switch and put Lemons in our Berry-ade, creating a whole new category of flavour. Lemon-Berry-ade didn’t quite roll off the tongue right, so we came up with Berry Lemonade all by ourselves. Creative, no. Refreshing, yes. The blue color was Jerry’s idea.
Pops are a 5:1 ratio. The colder and more carbonated your water the less syrup you'll use. Start with aprx 125ml or 3-4 pumps for a 1L bottle and adjust +/- from there. Experiment with the number of pumps to find the amount that suits your taste.
2L jug makes 34 bottles which would cost $48-115 depending on the flavour and availability.